This week is full of opportunities to connect with others for a time of encouragement and spiritual growth at BPC.
We would love to have you join us online at BPC!
Sunday, 4/19: 11 am Morning Worship Service and 6 pm Evening Worship Service. Both will be available on our Webcast page.
Tuesday, 4/21: 7 pm young adult zoom call. Contact Bobby at if you have any questions on how to connect.
Wednesday, 4/22: 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting zoom call. Please email Christie prior to 3 pm on Wednesday, so we can have our prayer list updated prior to the prayer meeting.
Thursday, 4/23: 6 pm youth group meeting zoom call. Contact Jacob at if you have any questions on how to connect.
Friday, 4/24: 7:00 to 7:30 am Men’s Bible Study. Keith Kowadlo will lead Men’s Bible Study using ZOOM, continuing in chapter 4 of the book “If God Already Knows, Why Pray?”
If you have any questions, please contact us at
There may be a few members who would like to join in the prayer meeting but are having problems with Zoom. Would you be able to help? If so, can you make that offer in your next email? Thank you! You are doing a great job keeping us connected.
Mrs. Beth, thank you for this information! Christie is actively working on a solution for this and is planning to have a Zoom practice meeting about this soon. Details will be forthcoming.
Thanks again,
Michael Moon