We will be having a Good Friday Worship Service this Friday at 6:30 pm in addition to other changes this week.
Tuesday, 4/7: 7 pm young adult zoom call. Contact Bobby at bobby@ballantynepres.com if you have any questions on how to connect.
Wednesday, 4/8: 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting zoom call. Please email Christie prior to 3 pm on Wednesday, so we can have our prayer list updated prior to the prayer meeting. Christie@ballantynepres.com
Thursday, 4/9: 6 pm youth group meeting zoom call. Contact Jacob at jacob@ballantynepres.com if you have any questions on how to connect.
Friday, 4/10: 6:30 pm Good Friday Worship Service on our Webcast page.
Sunday, 4/12: 11 am Easter Morning Worship Service and 6 pm Easter Evening Worship Service. Both will be available on our Webcast page.